I encourage woman to go to college to get their Master, Bachelors, and Associates degree in the field they are going to peruse after graduating from College/University. When students get expected to an expensive college/University and can not afford it they could take out loans form them and have a job on campus by working to pay off there loans and be able to study at the same time. Scholarships that are able like Finical Aid, Sororities, College Café, College Green Light, and the ones that are able on the College/Undercity’s websites. There are plenty of resources you need to just know where to look and know that right people who could get you that kind of money. …show more content…
It helps to people to make more money only to expanse. But people with out a college degree will earn less than how much of a person with a College degree. Education is the key to be paid a higher wage for your work and skills. Better educated people will most likely be promoted to manger or CEO of the Company and be making more money than your co-workers. They will better lifestyles like living in a expensive condo, cars, clothes, even being to help family pay to go back to school and get there degree or helping out paying a tuition fees to a