Colosul din Rhodos este titlul unui desen din perioada in care tarile europene se bateau pentru cucerirea Africii. Acesta il ilustreaza pe colinistul britanic Cecil Rhodes ca un gigant deasupra Africii. Desenul a fost realizat de Edward Linely Sambourne si a aparut pentru prima oara in revista „Punch” in anul 1892, fiind la vremea aceea retiparita in mai multe exemplare, de atunci devenind o ilustratie frecventa in textele istorice.
Desenul a fost publicat pe data de 10 decembrie 1892 in revista „Punch”, aparand langa un fragment recent din „The Times” despre unul din planurile lui Cecil Rhodes de a extinde o linie de telegraf ce folosea semnale electrice de la Cape Town la Cairo.
Planul lui a fost urmat de aparitia unor versuri satirice pe baza caracterizarii si ambitiei lui Rhodes:
THE World's Seven Wonders are surely outshone!
On Marvel World's billows 'twill toss us—'twill toss us,
To watch him, Director and Statesman in one,
This Seven-League-Booted Colossus—Colossus!
Combining in one supernatural blend
Plain Commerce and Imagination—gination;
O'er Africa striding from dark end to end,
To forward black emancipation—cipation.
Brobdingnagian Bagman, big Dreamer of Dreams.
A Titan of tact and shrewd trader—shrewd trader!
A diplomat full of finesse and sharp schemes,
With a touch of the pious Crusader—Crusader!
A "Dealer" with despots, a "Squarer" of Kings,
A jumper of mountain, lake, wilderness, wady,
And manager 'cute of such troublesome things
Well may ABERCORN wonder and FIFE tootle praise,
His two thousand hearers raise cheering—raise cheering.
Of wild would-be Scuttlers he proves the mad craze,
And of Governments prone to small-beering—small-beering.
Sullen Boers may prove bores to a man of less tact,
A duffer funk wiles Portuguesy—tuguesy;
But Dutchmen, black potentates, all sorts, in fact,
To RHODES the astute come quite easy—quite easy.
The British South-African