Combating Compassion Fatigue
Raynell Giron
Grand Canyon University
HLT 310V
Sep. 29th, 2012
Combating Compassion Fatigue
This writer will define and identify the keys components to compassion fatigue. This writer will also expound upon the warning signs of compassion fatigue and some interventions that can be put into place by the care giver to help avoid compassion fatigue. This writer will further give some helpful coping skills that can be used to manage compassion fatigue and the resources a care giver can turn too in the event they experience compassion fatigue.
Compassion fatigue has been defined as a combination of physical, emotional, and spiritual depletion associated with caring for patients in significant emotional pain and physical distress (Anewalt, 2009). It can also include depression, apathy, and impaired judgement. It is considered a unique form of burnout that affects individuals in care giving roles (Lombardo, 2011). While compassion fatigue can sometimes be precipitated by burn out, that is not always the case. Burn out is defined as “a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced accomplishments that can occur among individuals who do ‘people work’ of some kind” (Maslach & Jackson, 1986, p.1). While the symptoms of both are similar, the warning signs differ greatly.
Some of the warning signs a care giver may be experiencing compassion fatigue include work-related symptoms, physical symptoms, and emotional symptoms (Lombardo, 2011). Some of the work related symptoms may include avoidance or dread of working with certain patients, reduced ability to feel empathy towards patients or families, frequent use of sick days, and lack of joyfulness (Lombardo, 2011). Some of the physical warning signs include headaches, digestive problems, inability to sleep, insomnia, too much sleep, and
References: Anewalt, P. (2009). Fired up or burned out? Understanding the importance of professional boundaries in home health care hospice. Home Healthcare Nurse, 27(10), 591-597. Koloroutis, M. (2007). Relationship-based care: A model for transforming practice. Minneapolis, MN: Creative Health Care Management, Inc. Lombardo, B., Eyre, C., (Jan 31, 2011) "Compassion Fatigue: A Nurse’s Primer" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 16, No. 1, Manuscript 3. Retrieved Sept.29th, 2012 from: OJIN/TableofContents/Vol-16-2011/No1-Jan-2011/Compassion-Fatigue-A-Nurses- Primer.html Maslach, C., & Jackson, S. (1986). Maslach Burnout Inventory Manual (2 ed.). Palo Alto: Consulting Psychologists Press. Panos, A (February, 2007). Promoting resiliency in trauma workers. Poster presented at the 9th World Congress on Stress, Trauma, and Coping, Baltimore, MD. Sabo, B., (Jan 31, 2011) "Reflecting on the Concept of Compassion Fatigue"OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 16, No. 1, Manuscript 1. Retrieved Sept. 29th, 2012 from: OJIN/TableofContents/Vol-16-2011/No1-Jan-2011/Concept-of-Compassion- Fatigue.html