Home Cleaning Inc. needed this done due to their recent growth. Their growth has lead to some new ideas being able to be viable as decisions in the moving forward of the company. Needing a Proforma Income statement to see the next 3 years ahead of them approximately. They want to exercise their ability to purchase a set of their own cleaning equipment. To do that they need to see the numbers and how much they will have to pay and how it compares to other options.
1. 1. Mrs. Clea Ning wants a list of her customers sorted by week day (starting with Sunday) and by home size (smallest to largest).
2. Mrs. Clea Ning wants you to use formatting that lists the highest revenue clients (from highest to lowest) and color codes the ones that are in the top 20% of her customer list.
4. Mrs. Clea Ning has found that during data entry sometimes there are typos or other mistakes made including inconsistencies in descriptions of things like home size so she heard there was a way in Excel to limit choices that users can select during data entry and wants you to create a way for the data entry to be easier and reduce the occurrence of potential typos and inconsistencies. Provide her with this and create a separate tab in the Excel workbook for this labelled accordingly
5. Using the CountIF function in Excel count the number of clients are done on Tuesdays or Thursdays and the ones that are done on Mondays or Wednesdays and the ones that are done on Fridays and lastly the ones that are done on the weekend (Saturdays & Sundays). Put the results in a summary Table and create a separate tab in the Excel workbook for this labelled accordingly. Also show your cell formulas in Excel so she can see how you did it (you will have to create a separate tab for displaying the cell