Answer any FOUR questions
1 (a) Give the factors of production and their rewards [4] (b)i) Explain/define these factors of production [8] ii) What is 1) direct production? [2] 2) What is indirect production [2] c) money is used as _____, ______, _______ and _____ [4]
2 (a) What are the disadvantages of division of labour or specialization? [6] (b) Define the following; (i) inflation [2] (ii) specialisation [2] (iii) advertising [2] (iv) sole trader [2] (v) capital [2] (c) Give any four functions of commercial banks [4]
3(a)i) What are the contents of a Partnership Deed of Agreement? [5] (ii) Explain five characteristics of a limited company [8] (b) What are the functions of wholesalers [5] c) Give any two types of wholesalers that you know [2]
4 (a) What are the advantages of having a current account? [6] (b) Give any four sources of capital for a sole trader [4] (c) State and explain any five methods of sales promotion [10]
5 (a) Explain any five documents used in business that you know. [15]
b) Give and explain any two types of advertising [5]
6(a)i) State five parastatals or public corporations that you know in Zimbabwe [5] ii) What is canal transport? [2] (b) What is containerization? [2] c) Give any two advantages and two disadvantages of pipeline transport [8] d) What is the importance of transport to business? Give three points. [3]
7(a)i) What is international trade? [2] (ii) Give any four difficulties faced by exporters [8] b) Give any five differences between home trade and international trade [8]
8.a) List any five types of financial institutions that