Public service is a public trust, therefore I am bound to commit myself as a public servant to obey due diligence in the exercise of my duty.
My decision should be guided well on how to use the resources and powers which should be used for the betterment of the community and for the welfare of the people in general.
Dedication to work is important and this will help me decide on how to work efficiently by organizing the agenda and work plans for the day so that there would be a smooth flow of output in the accomplishment to whatever reports needed.
Using the knowlegde and experience in the assigned work in the office, sometime it counts where there is devotion and dedication in the assigned task.
Exercising the cost effective way to use the resources in the office simply by not wasting money for nothing or unnecessary expenses in this case it will help the government to augment important projects for the people.
How can you become more professional?How can you improve the work you do in the office to improve your service to the public?
Professionalism in the workplace based on many factors, including on how you dress, carry yourself, your attitude and how you interact with others.
The definition of professionalism indicates that each person perform their task with genuine earnest and honesty. It refers to a person doing his/her job with sincerity and maintaining professional etiquette and ethics in the workplace.
Adhere to your commitment-live up to your commitment everytime.
Realize the sensitivity of the work that you represent-make sure not to jeopardize the confidentiality of your organization or misuse it any way. This will make you trustworthy.
Treat everyone with respect.,that means everyone-from th heads, peers and staff to clients, to the person on the phone and the stranger in the elevator. Respect and communication in an organization gives all employees the feeling of safety and