and that high school graduates taught only common core mathematics standards won’t be prepared to pursue a four year college in STEM”. This shows that Common Core is not a viable program for students since it cannot show any sign of improvement in testing. Another reason why Common Core is insufficient is that it take much more time to solve a problem than the traditional method. This so called new method of teaching students will not only guarantee improvements in testing but will also be more time consuming to the students where it will take decrease the amount of time they will spend in class to learn and more time in taking tests. Emmanuel Felton, the author of the article on Are Common Core Tests Better states that Barry Covington thinks “Smarter Balanced Tests are too long”. Felton also mentions about Covington that “I think the kids realized they were spending a lot of time on these tests that they could be spending on other things. We’ve lost two weeks to testing, right in the middle of reading ‘The Great Gatsby.”
This shows that students will be putting in more time into tests than focusing on their actual studies in class. The design of the tests have been changed for some states in order to follow the rules of Common Core and for students to be ready to take on these tests, they need to be taught in order to pass the tests but teachers are under so much pressure in order to prepare their students.
Pamela Engel who is an author of an article about the biggest problem of Common Core is that she states “The tests are so intense, taking the average student eight to ten hours to complete. And teachers are under so much pressure to prepare their students to do well that instruction becomes less individualized and critical thinking in students can be hampered”. This shows that not only does it affect students but also teachers. This also shows that the way that these tests are designed are becoming a problem to teachers and students. Overall, it is clear on why Common Core might not be the best method for teachers and students since it deals with being sufficient on its math standards and does not prepare students who want to pursue a four year college degree. It is also very time-consuming for students and causes them to spend incredible amount of time just on testing. Lastly the structure of these new common core tests or also known as smarter, balanced tests is very complex and difficult which inflicts pressure on teachers who want their students to feel prepared and on students where they cannot prove that they are capable of the