Within childcare practice we must be aware that we have a clear and defined role in relation to child protection. Professionals working with children/young people i.e. teaching assistants, volunteers,…
An Act to reform the law relating to children; to provide for local authority services for children in need and others; to amend the law with respect to children’s homes, community homes, voluntary homes and voluntary organisations; to make provision with respect to fostering, child minding and day care for young children and adoption; and for connected purposes.”…
3.Explain three different methods a playwork team can use to support children and young people’s play.(3 marks)…
Other professionals – By involving a wide number of different professionals into the care of a child, we can provide children with a wide range of opportunities to benefit from. If a child requires help in a development area it is good to involve other professionals to advise or give one to one teaching…
Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people.…
2. The workers work together with the young person’s family in the care, learning, development and safeguarding of their children as they are primary carers and educators for the young person.…
All the agencies involved with the Childs care and education would have to make sure that everyone had all the relevant information about the child and about the Childs care plan, so that all agencies can tie in with each other to give the child the best overall care.…
M2: Explain the roles and responsibilities of two members of the children’s workforce in relation to looked after children and young people…
As practitioners, our main concern is to keep children safe from harm. Doing this can be very hard, as at the same time we need to encourage them to experience risk and challenges.…
A practitioners job is not only to ensure the safety of the children and to plan structured day to day activities but also to ensure that various partnerships and created within the child care setting.…
It is important to take a balanced approach to risk management as most activities children undertake have some element of risk involved in them. However when the activity is well planned and organised, with thought given to risks that may occur, any probability of risks should be minimised. We must ensure that the benefits the activity gives to the child outweigh any risks involved.…
The Common Core Skills and Knowledge for the children's workforce provides a set of basic skills and knowledge that we must be aware of and practice when we are working with children and young people on a regular basis on a part-time, full-time or on a voluntary capacity. There are six areas of skills and knowledge that we must be aware of and practice. They are:…
Describe how your own work must be influenced ..' is to do with the duty of care that professionals agree to recognise and comply with when undertaking a role in children's care, learning & development sector.…
e. Describe why access to play is important for all children and ways of using a play-based curriculum as a vehicle for developing skills, dispositions, and knowledge.…
Children are learning by exploring but what young children are not aware of are the different types of dangers that come along with exploring. Its important children are encouraged to explore and become more independent by playing activities and games ether solo playing or group playing, it’s also very important the career of the children are making sure they are protected at all times from any form of danger, to ensure children do not come across any sort of danger a risk assessment is to be undertaken so children can adapted to the right equipment needed to help them to learn and find new things out.…