Common Sense Religion by Daniel Dennett is an argumentative essay. Dennett talks about different people belonging to different religion believe that life is meaningless without a religion. The poor, who can hardly feed themselves, put money in collection plate for the sake of religion and think that they have beautified their life after death. But there is no guarantee if there money is really being used for good (for needy), what if it is not? If this money collection is done through a preacher, does this still remain a filthy work? Every religion thinks that the other one is stumpy. It is equally believed in every religion that the non-believers are totally out of the question and there is no escape for them. …show more content…
Nowadays religious people have three different attitudes: the time hasn’t come yet to decide which religion is high-class, you have to have a religion no matter which one, and religious beliefs cannot be denied even if it is not helping you out anyway. Most of the people have a specific religion for the sake of society. But it is our own common sense which one to believe or which one not to. It is up to you which path you choose. Anything can be used for good or for bad. So the love to God cannot be presented by doing habitual and customary acts.
The most important thing in a religion is the trust in God.
It doesn’t make any difference that you are giving away how much money to religious collection organizations. If you give away money you are unsure nowadays that the money will go to the deserving or not. I have experienced this personally, how money doesn’t go to the needy through collection organizations. Dennett said absolutely true that religion has become a fashion these days. People only say that they belong to a specific religion to show everyone around them and do huge amount of charity to be higher in society. But a belief of this kind is useless. We do nothing for our religion but fighting since very long, that which religion is superior. I can bet most of the people who are arguing that their religion is the best don’t even know what does the other religion say and what is their own religion saying. I think all of the religions have similar beliefs but in a different styles. Dennett says that everyone has the right to choose their own religion just like voting for a president and I totally agree with Dennett. But in our world it is different. For example in a Christian society ninety percent of their children will be Christian because their parents and ancestors were Christians. If the religion is not understood properly then being an atheist is