Contrary to popular belief though, it is not a daily occurrence, at least not at most fraternities. Due to the immense amount of other responsibilities, it is doubtful that partying and binge drinking is number one on a to-do list for most Greek houses. Fraternity members dislike the common stereotypes formed by the general population, yet do not help themselves by partying, drinking, and behaving like wild animals. It is fine to have social gatherings occasionally while enjoying cold alcoholic beverages and talking to members of the opposite sex. It is not fine to do have parties so often that all that is accomplished is finishing the stock of beer in the basement and having someone go and purchase more. The final most common stereotype for fraternities is hazing. Hazing is a common tradition for plenty of fraternities, but according to BurntX’s online article, 10 Common Misconceptions About Greek Life, Angela Bonilla clears the issue by reassures that “Hazing a huge issue that is taken seriously by both the University and the national board of that specific sorority and …show more content…
It is an issue that spans across society, but only a handful of people truly understand it and are able to see past what is taken at face-value. They are able to see underneath the surface. Stereotypes and misconceptions are quite unalike. Stereotypes are based on truth, misconceptions are not. Fraternities have done their fair share of ridiculous acts to cement any stereotype that could have been made. Nevertheless, the stereotypes only apply to a fairly small amount of the fraternity members. A party occurring often is an accepted stereotype because it is true, plain and simple. Binge drinking also happens often, but other college students do so as well, and the blame is placed on fraternities in order to use them as a scapegoat. Fraternity members are guilty in at least participating in one of the preceding activities, but that should not define them as people, they are fine young adults who boast morals, a hard work ethic, and amiability. The general public has placed fraternities in a negative light because of true, if barely, stereotypes amplified beyond what is rational, yet what is not recognized is the countless hours spent on charities, service hours, and helping others and each other and that is not