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Despite widespreadknowledge that fraternitymembersare frequently involved in the sexual assaults of women, fraternities are rarely studied as social contexts-groups and organizations-that encourage the sexual coercionof women.An analysis of the normsand dynamicsof the social construction of fraternity brotherhoodreveals the highly masculinistfeatures of fraternitystructureand process, includingconcern with a narrow,stereotypicalconceptionof masculinity and heterosexuality;a preoccupation with loyalty, protection of the group, and secrecy; the use of alcohol as a weapon against women 'ssexual reluctance;the pervasiveness of violence and physicalforce; and an obsession withcompetition,superiority,and dominance. Interfraternityrivalry and competition-particularly over members, intramuralsports, and women-encourage fraternitymen 'scommodification women.Weconclude thatfraternities of will continue to violate
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Hummeris a graduate student in the Sociology Departmentand Centerfor the Studyof Populationat FloridaState University.He is workingon his master 'sthesis regardingthe causes of Hispanic infantmortality.His researchinterestsinclude social stratificationand infant mortalityand the study of rape by college athletes.