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Interpersonal coercion includes nonphysically threatening, manipulative or controlling actions by one’s partner in attempt to solicit sexual activity (p.1829).
Conroy et al., (2014) further explains unwanted sex in the role of social coercion that the pressure that is associated with obligations of a sex role by an individual in a relationship with social and cultural expectation of sexual role. Social coercion is not visible, but the pressure to meet sexual obligations and fulfill societal role.
As a matter of fact, Conroy et al., (2014) comments that sexual activity should happen with the consent of both individuals involved and are motivated to share their sexual desire. Many men and women allow unwanted sexual activity because of different reasons and they may also give clear consent while engaging in sexual activity against their will. Conroy et al., (2014) notes that are three types of unwanted sexual …show more content…
Burkett and Hamilton (2012) asserts that the ‘just say no’ approach is influenced by perceptions of neoliberal ideals and encourages individual responsibility to violent and inequality experiences. Women must assert their sexual choices through communicate to reinforce in their daily lives through advice from friends and family about being sexually responsible. Risk-avoidance discourse influence how young women understand sexual consent and emphasizes on the women responsibility to communication and set her sexual boundaries. Burkett and Hamilton argue that ‘just say no’ discourses translate to sexual assault with a physical act: non-physical forms of coercion and pressure does not agreed with the violation of a women sexual autonomy. The dominant assumptions of rape suggest that physical violence and forceful penetration must be involved which leaves women without a way to clear other form of coercive sex (as cited in Burt, 1980; Burt and Estep, 1981; Estrich, 1987; Heath 2005; Lievore, 2003). Burkett and Hamilton (2012) points out that sex is judged by the binary system of consensual (‘normal’) versus non-consensual (‘rape’) which results in silencing women’s experiences (as cited in Gavey 1999, 2005; Phillips, 2000; Pinneau, 1989). Burkett and Hamilton (2012) acknowledges that the sexual miscommunication theory is embedded in the risk-avoidance discourse that helps targets women’s