3. Sexual assault of any kind is unacceptable. Sexual assault is a crime under the Texas Code of Military Justice (TCMJ), Federal and State law and has no place in the Army or our communities. Sexual assault is incompatible with Army Values as it degrades unit performance and cohesion. Every member of this Command who becomes aware of an alleged sexual assault or possessing probable cause of such an act should report these allegations immediately.
4. Sexual assault is defined as intentional sexual conduct, characterized by use of force, a threat of force, the abuse of authority, or in any circumstance in which the victim does not, or cannot consent. Sexual assault includes rape, nonconsensual sodomy, and indecent assault, as well as any attempts to commit such acts. …show more content…
Commanders at all levels will publish and post written command policy statements on prevention of sexual assault, reporting procedures, and pertinent points of contact. Leaders will ensure sexual assault victims receive timely, integrated, and comprehensive assistance. UVA/ SHARP representatives will not be assigned to a case until they have completed the appropriate