Organizations can model Servant Leadership by putting the good of others over their own self-interest. This could mean a lot of things, including listening to the concerns of a client, caring about the personal well-being of their followers, or fostering the development of a community just to name a few. In my opinion, building community is the greatest way a corporation can show servanthood. A community gives followers something greater than …show more content…
ENO is a company founded in 2006 that sells easy travel hammocks and accessories. They are known not only for their high quality hammocks, but their campaign to get people to seek adventure and enjoy the outdoors. ENO created a hammock culture, which turned hammocking into a social activity, and created a blog for their customers to share stories of festivals, travel experiences, and ways to relax. To further promote community, ENO created a college ambassador program in which students promote their products by hosting hammocking festivals on their campus. Additionally, ENO serves others by including a “Giving Back” section to their blog where customers are given with free merchandise when they share how they are using their hammock to help people all over the world and how other hammockers can get involved. ENO itself also promotes specific color combinations where they give back money from every hammock sold to organizations that their followers recommend and support their values of environmental conservation and encourage exploration through free