Introduction Communication levels can be similar yet different in hospital settings versus specialty clinic office settings. In both organizations the standard communication channels that are used includes faxing, emails, referrals, telecommunication, and face to face consultation to name some. The business of health care today is a delicate performance of balancing affairs, patients are seeking lower cost and effective communication and the organizations are seeking newer communication technology to maximize the quality of care that are given to the patients and organization.
Communication Channels Similarities In the occupation where this writer works we are a large scale hospital, East Central Regional Hospital (ECRH) communication is a vital entity in how we operate daily. The way language is communicated could be a life or death situation because with deal with human beings lively hood. Telecommunications in the hospital settings are used to communicate between workers to ensure the correct medical terminology and findings are interpreted properly. In specialty clinic telecommunication are used for the same process. Faxing at ECRH are for receiving and transmitting vital medical or policy driven information that are needed to update individuals that are effected by the changes. Team members that work in specialty clinic stated that faxing is where the clinic received and send medical information about patients to other clinic or get the information themselves to proceed with procedures that needs to be performed. Another source of communication channels that ECRH and specialty clinics have are intra and internet. The intranet in both
References: Coiera, Enrico, Tombs, Vanessa, and Gosbee. Communication behaviours in a hospital setting: An observational study. February 28, 1998. BMJ 316: pgs 673-676. Retrieved February 20, 2009 Proquest Tablet PC: Making and Impact in Hospitals and Doctors’ Offices. (2006) Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Retrieved February 20, 2009.