Middle School and High School can be awkward times for students. Their bodies are going through drastic changes and they are suddenly getting feelings for others. Schools realize this and in an effort to keep things in check, a majority of schools offer a course designated to teaching students about these changes. However with advancements in technology and the introduction of social networking, ways to participate in sexual ways has evolved. This leaves a lot of students confused about sex, and even their sexuality.
Alexander presents us with his theory that students are sexually illiterate. Students should be educated in a way that forces them to think and engage in the topic. (19) Alexander argues that students are not being educated in a correct fashion. Since sex is everywhere, and students are engaging in it in one way or another, Alexander believes that sexually illiterate students will become confused. Students are afraid and confused of things that are unfamiliar to them. Since most student are sexually illiterate when it comes to queer studies, we can only imagine that most are afraid of queers. This easily explains the bullying of queer students in highschool. Alexander sugests that if there is an increase of queer studies students will become more comfortable. This does two things, makes homosexual students comfortable with themselves, as well as create a more relaxed learning environment. Another way Alexander believes students will become sexually literate is if teachers create a desocialized pedagogy, in turn tearing down preconstructed views on sex and sexuality. One of the main preconstructed views on sex and sexuality is that sex before marriage is morally wrong. Based off of this view schools have adopted abstinence with a focus on the negatives of sex. However students are still engaging in sexual activities, in more ways than years ago.
Advancements in technology have also allowed
Cited: Alexander, Jonathan. Literacy, Sexuality, Pedagogy: Theory and Practice for Composition Studies. Logan, UT: Utah State UP, 2008. Print. Avi. "Phase 1." Syracuse University, Syracuse. Feb. 2012. Lecture. "Cyber Bullying at Minnetonka High - Minnetonka, MN Patch." Minnetonka Patch. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2013. Planned Parenthood. Sexting: Not My Kid/sexting Tips. Syracuse: Real Life. Real Talk, 2012. Print. "Unframing Models of Public Distribution: From Rhetorical Situation to Rhetorical Ecologies." Rhetoric Society Quartely 35.4 (2005): 5-24. Web. <http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02773940509391320>.