I. Decreases literacy and education
A. The use of cyber-slang is not only being used online when talking with friends and peers but also in classrooms, on resumes, and in boardroom meetings.
B. It affects individuals being hired because of their ability to distinguish between using professional language and slang.
C. An increased amount of time spent on social networks is causing students …show more content…
Narcissism is defined as a type of personality trait that demonstrates “self-promotion, vanity, and grandiosity” (DeWall, Buffardi, Bonser, & Campbell, 2011). Narcissistic social media users focus primarily on posting great, edited pictures that make themselves look better online than they do in person in order to achieve a large number of “likes” on their pictures (Mehudizadeh, 2010). They also post fabricated and elaborated statuses about their daily routines in their lives just to appeal to their followers. The current generational youth has been reported to be “more self-promoting, narcissistic, overconfident, and attention-seeking than others in the past” (Borba, 2009). Many times the attention gained is not the attention that was intended to be received and women are victimized on social media by men or even jealous women that create fictitious pages with crude and vulgar language and pictures that degrades that individual. This is a good demonstration of this generation’s futuristic form of bullying known as cyberbullying. There is not a clear estimate of the number of adolescents victimized by cyberbullying but approximately 10-40% or more of adolescents have been cyberbullied (Hinduja & Patchin, 2010). Thus, this is why adolescents, especially women and girls, should be more careful by not exploiting themselves on social media networks because you …show more content…
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National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (AAND). (2014). Eating
Disorders Statistics. Retrieved from http://www.anad.org/get-information/about-eating-disorders/eating-disorders)-statistics/
Ochonogor, W.C., Alakpodia, N.O., & Achugbue, I.E. (2012). The Impact of Text Message
Slang (Tms) or Chartroom Slang on Students Academic Performance. International Journal of Internet of Things, 1(2),