Professor Gerhard
PACS 001
September 18, 2015
Paper Assignment- Prompt 4 Kanye West’s 2007 hit song, “Stronger” uses Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger”. In his novel, The Happiness Hypothesis, Jonathan Haidt states his hypothesis that people must endure all the hardships of life in order to grow in all aspects. I agree with both Nietzsche and Haidt that through perseverance of all difficulties that occur in life, we can develop a stronger physical, social, mental, and emotional state. I find Haidt’s suggestion interesting because many hardships I have endured and am continuing to endure, prove his suggestion valid. When playing a high level of a sport one becomes familiar with …show more content…
An Edison Research shows that over 70% of the nation has a social media profile as of the first of January this current year. The Pew Research Center published results of a survey that shows 92% of teens, identified as 13-17 year olds in this survey, go online daily. From this research we can see how affected young adults and teens are affected by social media and although social media affects all sorts of people, it seems that social media affects young adults and teens to a greater extent. In a survey published by the National Crime Prevention Council, around 40% of teens were cyber-bullied. The social issues teens face differs from feeling insecure about themselves to feeling pressured about always looking their best. Some find the use of a “selfie” as empowering while others use it as a measure to determine their worth by how many like or hearts they receive for that “selfie”. Although the online world manages to a produce solid amount of social hardships, the real world produces still produces its share of social issues. Face-to-face bullying is still common and teens are still facing the social issue. While bullying, whether online or in person, seems to result with more deaths in suicides than actual happy endings, there are those who still have endured their share of social problems to become happier people. Some of these people have led themselves to being idols that teens admire such Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato. Both these stars were bullied in high school, Taylor Swift for not being “cool enough” and Demi Lovato for weight issues, worked towards overcoming their insecurities to become who and what they are today: happy and successful role