Bus 600
Week #3
Dr. Sherrie Lewis
Thesis Statement Employees have a wide variety of communication skills. No matter your skill, to advance in the workplace takes constant self assessment and improvement.
Personal Communication Skills.
I chose the sales profession for a reason. One of my best skills is my personal communication skills. I excel at being able to communicate with all sorts of people. I am good at keeping a conversation going with people from all walks of life. I gained these skills by having a lot of interests and also from growing up poor with wealthy friends. I played many sports, but I also liked playing video games and card games. I was always around different types people, so I had to get good at different kinds of conversation. In a way, I changed who I was when hanging out with different groups. This is the biggest skill I have in my toolbox. I believe this skill helps me out with my customers. Since I have so many interests, when I get into a conversation with a customer, they can tell I am genuinely interested in what we are talking about and I don’t come off fake. I work at 3M Company. 3M Company has a corporate culture. They are constantly monitoring my calls and when they listen in, my conversations can come off as un-professional. I am not trying to be unprofessional, I am trying to engage my customer and strengthen my relationship. You can assess your communication skills by yourself, but how accurate is that? I think it is important to have another party assess you as well.
Assessment I use to Analyze my Skills.
Every year at my job I have to submit an ERP. This analyzes a lot of different metrics I am measured on at work. These metrics are things like how I handle my territory, communication, closing skills, etc. A big part of my ERP is measuring my communication skills. I basically rate myself, than my boss reads my assessment and gives her own assessment
References: Denton, P. (2007, February). Open Ended Questions. Responsiveclassroom.org. Retrieved August 12, 2013 from https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/article/open-ended-questions Dhondt, A. (2010, May). Self and Peer Assessments. Agileskillsproject.org Retrieved August 12, 2013 from http://www.agileskillsproject.org/skill-levels/charts Crampton, S. M. (1998). The informal communication network: factors influencing grapevine activity. Public Personnel Management. Retrieved August 12, 2013., from http://www.allbusiness.com/management/735210-1.html.