Fill out the different cells with regard to each theory definition. You are to identify the theory the example represents, who developed the theory (theorist), explain the relevance of the theory, and then provide your own personal or professional application example of the theory.
Theory Definition Identify the Theory Theorist(s) Relevance of Theory Application Example from your Personal or Professional Life
Theory explains why as relationships develop, communication moves from less intimate levels to more intimate, more personal levels. Social Penetration Theory Altman and Taylor Self-disclosure may lead to long-lasting relationship. When meeting new individuals to initiate communication that may develop in a long-standing relationship, Upon meeting someone new to seek information but minimize the amount of personal information exchanged between the individuals. Gradual progression of information exchanged.
Theory explains how people hold expectations about the nonverbal behaviors of others. Violations of these expectations may trigger a change in the perception of exchange either positively or negatively, depending on the relationship. Expectancy Violations Theory Burgoon Communication norms are violated, nonverbal communication The outcome is one that is not expected of the individual initiating the conversation. Some individuals initiate conversations to reveal guilt
Theory explains the process that people use to manage the relationship between concealing and revealing private information. Communication Privacy Management Theory Petronio Managing the disclosure of private and public boundaries Some communication between individuals may cause the delivery of personal information that may cause an negative outcome(s)
Theory explains how people experience a limited effect from media. Individuals are thought to be actively seeking specific types of media to generate specific needs. However, some