notion of communication communication theory idea began as a cause and effect behaviour silver bullet theory inject the idea of something into somebody else
lord hitcher - original transmission model linear process
Shannon and Weaver - more of a mathematical approach message from point A to point B with minimal distortion eg more so on telephone lines
stimulate an organism in some way there will be an instant response/reaction where does the responsibility of communication lie? active audiences (theory) relies more so on the receiver
Morley and Brunston no longer seen as passive use things to gratify our needs diversion personal relationships personali identity surveillance - information seeking
culture creating their own way of life always changing/multiple in nature
cultural studies rejection of elitist notion of culture and power start to investigate what happens on a daily basis about people - focus is on audiences
divided into two categories - high culture/low culture
high wealthy exclusivity
low - base culture inferior/common lower social class
Theodore Adorno and Max Horkheimer
‘the culture industry’ culture had lost its art mass produced - everything was pretty much the same only working class was oppressed
why is culture industries important? the power that they have to influence people large cultural impact - change/shape the culture
effective comm - form of a shared ‘code’
group identification aesthetics and behaviour groups formed sometimes for protection