Communication Styles Worksheet
You spent the past few days exploring the resources available to students at University of Phoenix, and you want to share what you learned with a friend who is interested in enrolling.
Write a 150- to 200-word e-mail to your friend summarizing the resources available to students.
The UoPx provides a lot of different resources for their students. They have all types of tools such as; the center of writing and mathematics excellence, reference and citation helper, library, and writing and grammar worksheets. They provide all of the necessary tools that needed to do excellent in all of your courses. If you have trouble in any subject tutoring is available anytime. They also have references tools on how to manage you time.
You asked your facilitator to review your e-mail draft. She liked what you wrote and asked you to write a summary to post in the class forum for the other students to read.
Write a 150- to 200-word summary for your class of the resources available to students. Remember to write using an academic tone.
Hello class,
I would like to tell you about some of the resources that are provided to us through the University of Phoenix. The center of writing is available to provide tutoring on how to write a college level paper. Also, available to us is the reference and citation helper, library, and writing and grammar worksheet tools. All of which, provides us with assistance on how to properly write a college level paper.