My first aim was to tackle the use of academic sources: to do this I looked into the required reading materials used throughout Semester A as well as took on board the comments made in tutorials. Google scholar was also used to find books, articles and journals helping me to define key words in the assignment and develop a comprehensive background around the key subject areas variably helping me to write my essay and report in the structure that was needed. I cooperated some of …show more content…
the materials in my assignment which has helped me to back up points made. This also made the assignment a lot easier to carry out the required specifications in writing my report and essay as different viewpoints were given and hence a conclusion could be made by taking account what was present in the assignments.
Secondly, in terms of referencing, I looked into CASE website to see whether I could tackle the referencing guide first before physically going to them for any problems I face. The document did give potential in helping me to reference my work properly. However, in my second assignment there were few areas that I had developed without knowing and would have liked to gain those marks. In some areas I had not cited where I had obtained the figures from because I had cited the website elsewhere in my work; therefore, for this essay I have been very wary of this key area.
Overall, comparing the two society assignments my marks fell by two marks; improvements in referencing and use of academic research materials are seen: my report shows that I had carried out the criteria’s set, backing up with opinions of different authors, indicating major improvements in my level of understanding.
However, problems with my grammar and use of conversational language had developed in my 2nd assignment thus for this Assignment, I have gone to CASE to get my work checked and get advice on using academic terms to gain confidence in getting above 70% in the language, presentation and structure sections. Additionally, in terms of analysis, I was focused on the key points or had to combine two points which helped me to evaluate the points enabling me to come to a judgment. Finally, I started my assignment fairly early which I found the assignment easier to conduct giving me capability in gathering research materials of different time periods to the fairly recent articles in providing me a wide scope of the organisation and hence helped me to get a balance of each side as well as had given me time to go to CASE for help, therefore, I believe I will improve my grades for this assignment by following the strategies