CSC 1100
Assignment 5
Problem 1
a. Output: 3.94
b. Output: 6.67
c. Output: 15.00
d. Output: -35.00
e. Output: 0
Problem 2
a. Output: 62
b. Output: 20160
c. Output: 20 213837312
d. Output: 1
Problem 3
a. Func1 has two parameters. Func1 is an integer function.
b. Func2 has three parameters. Func2 is a double function.
c. Func3 has four parameters. Func3 is a char function.
d. Join has two parameters. Join is a string function
e. 2; int and double, int first and then double
f. func1(3, 8.5)
Problem 4 double func(double& x, double& y, double& z)
if (pow(x, y) == z) return true;
else return false;
Problem 5
a. Output: 720
b. Output: 0
c. Output: 71
d. Output: 362880
Problem 6
a. Output: “Take Programming I.”
b. Output: