A. Health reforms
B. Existing and emerging environmental hazards
C. New technologies for health care
D. None of the above
2. In response to the changes of the times, the UN General Assembly adopted a vision of poverty reduction and sustainable development. This is exemplified in the Millenium Development goals, which include:
A. Reduce child mortality
B. Combat HIV/AIDs, malaria
C. Achieve universal primary education
D. All of the above
3. For over forty years after independence, the Philippine Health care system was administered by a central agency based in Manila. However, with the passage of the Local Government Code, LGUs facilitate health service delivery. This law is known as:
A. RA 7610
B. RA 7160
C. RA 7600
D. RA 9173
4. Inter local health system is a system of health care similar to a district health system in which individuals, communities and all other health care providers participate together in providing quality and accessible health care. Composition of the inter-local health zone include:
A. People
B. Boundaries
C. Health workers
D. All of the above
5. In the eco-system influencing the optimum level of functioning, people empowerment would fall under which category:
A. Political
B. Behavior
C. Socio-economic
D. Health care delivery system
6. What is the legal basis of Primary Health Care?
A. RA 9173
B. EO 51
C. LOI 949
D. PD 996
7. Which strategy of Primary Health Care is seen when programs of the health sector are closely linked with other socio-economic organizations at the national and community levels?