Saturday afternoon on 7/31/12, i was patrolling in front of Bill's Card Shop when i noticed a customer leaving the Sports Bar & Grill. The customer appeared to have trouble walking, but they were not causing any trouble. As i continued patrolling the grounds i heard a crash, and i immediately went to go see what had happened. When i arrived i saw two cars that had seemed to have struck each other in the parking lot in front of Bill's Card Shop. I proceeded to the accident and notice that a Black Ford Escort, driven by a 25 year old female and a Blue Honda Civic, driven by a 45 year old male i saw leave the Sports Bar and Grill had collided. The Blue Honda Civic apparently backed into the Black Ford Escort, with the information gathered i called…
people’s cars if they parked on the side streets….” This shows the lack of safety present…
Some eyewitnesses claimed to have seen the man pacing anxiously in the parking lot before he entered the…
The sun hung from the middle of the sky and seemed to almost liquefy the city below. The street reflected the heat like a tanning mirror placed beneath you. A car alarm echoed throughout the wide block before Bank of the West – an average looking bank painted tan with horizontal architecture that swept up the front of the structure. Two bullet holes plastered the echoing car like stickers placed meticulously on a movie set. Steam seeped from the engine block through the cracks of the hood and out into the blistering air, evaporating almost instantly in the blaze. A group of firemen detached the battery and doused the engine of the car with water, sending even more steam once again into the heated air. News reporters stood in front of bulky white vans, ducking the heat under sidewalk trees and overhangs from neighboring buildings. A bulky group of local citizens crowded behind police barriers surrounding the bank in an extensive ring. The barriers held back the murmuring crowd as chatter about what had happened drifted between their ears. An abundance of police officers stood around silently like mutes with sweat dripping from their brows, waiting for the detectives to finish and vacate the scene so they could do the…
1. Prescriber information: The doctor's name, address and phone number should be clearly written (or preprinted) on the top of the prescription form. Some states require the doctor's state license number to be on the form. It is not recommended that you preprint your Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number on the prescription pad. It becomes too easy for drug abusers to lift a few prescription forms for illicit use if that number is easily available. The DEA number is not required on noncontrolled prescriptions; however, many pharmacies may request the DEA number with a prescription to help when filing the patient's medication insurance claims.…
the law as a means of turning the law against the community to make an "easy…
I felt unstoppable as I jumped into the drivers' seat of my Envoy. I turned the key clockwise and started the ignition, immediately putting the pedal to the medal I sped off to Brandon's house, where I would meet all my friends. After showing off my car I decided to let my friends test drive it once around the neighborhood. It wasn't as if I let them, Craig stole the keys out of my hands and raced to my car locking me out and drove down the road along with Brandon and Scott. I was the oldest in my small group of friends and was the only one with a car. My friends were still only fifteen at the time and it was illegal for them to drive without a parent. So of course we had to go somewhere; pretend that we were hot shit just because we had a car, let alone an Envoy, that was twenty eight thousand dollars and could reach high speeds in a split second. We all talked for a while and decided that we where going to drive an hour to St. Pete Beach, which always had the hottest girls and was…
As we arrived it was filled with people everywhere with all types of bikes and ATVs. This seemed to be a day to sit back and enjoy. I and my brother were both watching the races together. I was so amazed with all of the different types of bikes. While watching the races I was alarmed by a big group of people who surrounded a scene. I got up and walked over to the scene to find out what was causing such chaos. It was my little brother who I thought was right beside me watching along with me. He was lying on the back of a pick-up truck…
Also, each area of the park had parents and their children. There were two parent families, single parents. We had some parents watching their child play baseball, others were on the track practicing, others on the wide open field playing football. Individuals pass my truck on the passenger side, while they move around the gravel track. Some are with partners, others are by themselves. You have some walking at a slow pace and others moving at a very fast pace. They are all different shades and sizes, but all with the same agenda, which is to make it around the track. Cars pass my truck on the driver’s side, some at a pace to fast for the 25 mile/per hour speed limit, and others following the traffic rules. As I look down the hill, I see fancy sport cars, family vans, cars and trucks unoccupied in the packed parking lot. I saw one individual walking as I passed her on my way to the parking spot I am now occupying, I see her run pass my truck, then I see her start to run again, as she gets a few steps in front of my now parked truck. She has on a white t-shirt, black and white shorts, with black tights on underneath the shorts. She is thick, maybe 140 pounds. I see her pass my truck at least two more times before I finally pass her again in my truck as I am leaving to return the park on my way home. Night has come, and an hour has passed, she is still running around the gravel track. Parents and children are still…
The heat in my purple ‘99 Dodge Dakota had never worked. It was something I left the house prepared for every morning. Although I was wearing my fleece sweats, a hoodie, and my men’s down puffy coat, I was vibrating. It took a handful of years, but I had done it again. I rear-ended the Chevy ahead of me at the intersection of Lake Otis and O’Malley. After checking on me to make sure I was okay, the man from the Chevy made his way back to his truck to wait with his wife till the police arrived. After he…
Well I know some of you are wondering what is wrong with illegal street racing. For starters illegally street racing is against the law. And I know some of you are like so is popping fireworks in sirten states but fireworks doesn’t kill 37,000 people yearly in the United States of America. Street racers either drive their car with excessive speed on public roads causes deadly accidents or get crushed at illegal racing events. Car accidents are the leading cause of death of youth aged 16 to 20. The total of street racing fatalities was 72 in 2001. Street racing drivers can be arrested for months losing their license to drive to drive permanently and their cars will be impounded. Police pursuit accidents have an average of 300 to 400 deaths per year. More people die from street racing than in gangs. More people die from street racing than wrong way driving. In 2001, the National Highway Safety Administration reported that the police listed street racing racing as a factor in 135 fatal crashes. According to the California office of traffic safety, more than 800 citations for illegal street racing were issued in 2001. In San Diego, where the street racing problem has been termed “epidemic”, 16 death and 31 injuries were directly related to illegal racing in 2001.In Florida in 2011, 216 citations were issued for racing on the highway.…
Community is very important and has many factors like kinship, unity, and identity. Community helps society because it creates solutions, provides security and reveals dedication. It discovers truthfulness. Communities are part of everyday life and have positive affects on its members.…
In today’s society Community Policing and problem solving is what is needed to keep criminal activity under control. Due to ineffective policing methods crime has continued to be on a rise. Police organizations have learned over the years that getting the community involved in fighting crimes, makes the members of the community feel much safer and gives them some sense of pride in regards to the community they live in. This paper will discuss how much of an impact community policing and problem solving has had between law enforcement and the community in which they serve. This paper will also address solutions more communities are using to help control the access to these different drugs.…
combustion of fossil fuels. This is an issue because over the past century our ocean temps and river…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been working with state and public health departments on a multistate investigation concerning fungal meningitis and other infections among patients who received methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) injection, prepared by the New England Compound Center (NECC).…