Community service is not a responsibly or an obligation. It is a commitment, one must want to do it with good intentions and not because they are being forced to do so. Students who volunteer against their will most likely do a poor job compared to those who see it as a hobby. However, requiring community service keeps students busy and out of trouble. By spending most of their time volunteering students are less likely to engage in illegal behavior. Community service also helps relieve peer pressure. “Kids who are involved in community service place more importance on setting high goals for themselves and are less likely to yield to peer pressure (Tiger Woods).”
Those who give back to their community through volunteer work are more successful and responsible people. They are likely to do better in school then those who do not. For example, Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut proposed a bill requiring high school students to complete 100 hours of mandatory community service before graduating. Under this proposal students would have to go to school for eight hours, do