Company name & registered office
This company analysis report is going to give detailed information about CSL Limited and also provide the analysis of the financial status of the company. The address of registered office for CSL Limited is 45 Popular Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia. (CSL annual report 2011, p.130).
Company information
CSL is a global specialty biopharmaceutical company that produces life-saving and life-enhancing medicines that enable many thousands of people lives in the world can enjoy the normally healthy lives. And the business of CSL Limited distribute in more than 20 countries with over 10,000 staff. On the other hand, the headquarters of CSL is in Australia. (CSL annual report 2011, p.1) And the business of the CSL Limited can be separate to three parts which are CSL Behring, CSL Biotherapies and Research and Development. (CSL annual report 2011, p.2) And during 2010 to 2011, CSL Limited achieved international sales growth for the plasma products in both established and emerging markets. And CSL promises to continue to build the capacity to develop and produce new and improved therapies (CSL annual report 2011, p.3)
The information of auditor
The name of the auditor is Ernst & Young, and the partner is Glenn Carmody. The auditor indicates that there have no contraventions of the auditor independence requirements of the Corporation Act 2001 or any applicable code of professional conduct. The financial report of CSL presented a true and fair view of the financial position. (CSL annual report 2011, p.63)
Financial status
With the consolidated and fair financial report, it can be easy to understand the financial status of the CSL.
1. Cost of sales
Cost of sales
(CSL Annual Report 2010/11, p.64)
From the Consolidated statement of Comprehensive income, it indicates that the cost of goods sold for 2011 was $2,128,873 and for 2010 was $2,184,850. It