Both articles are based on social inequality in America. In my town we do not have much of an inequality problem due to most of the town being white, but I know this is a problem through out America. Not just with black people though, in this time I believe it tends to be the Mexicans and
Asians that may feel unequal to everyone else also. The main idea of both articles express concern over the construction of “racism”. The tone of the text is rational but it changes to emotional as you read on because this is a very touchy subject to talk about. Both of the writers purposes were to explain and inform about social inequality in America. As I read the articles I did not see them shift purposes throughout the text. In the article written by Jennifer L. Eichstedt she uses cause and effect method to develop her ideas and she also uses examples. The reason she uses these methods is because they reflect the purpose of what shes writing very well. In the article written by Mr. Allen and Mrs. Chung they use chronological patterns to reflect there ideas which makes this article easy to read and follow. In the same article they use many transitional sentences because they are use chronological patterns and they work very well together and they make the article flow with ease. The writers were also smart about the choice of words they used throughout the article. They were very appropriate for the topic they were writing about. In both articles they communicate effectively on social inequality. They had different purposes and different strategies to communicate with the audience. Yes, they are on the same topic but there is many differences on how they were written.