World Religion
Buddhism VS Islam
Buddhism and Islam are two major global religions in modern times with roots that are ancient. These two religions have billions of people who are followers, and act as major influences in politics, culture, and societies all over the world. The Islamic religion has the most followers in countries located in the Middle East and northern Africa. Buddhism has the most followers throughout the continent of Asia. Even though both religions are very different, and are in two different places, they both share a common goal.
Buddhism originated in India, and was founded by a man by the name of Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who was known to be Buddha, or the enlightened one. Born as a prince, he later renounced his comfortable life in search for nirvana. In order to do that, he joined a band of ascetic, who was a group of Hindu priests. The Buddha taught his followers to follow "the middle way", which is, not the way of extreme asceticism. He earned full understanding of the nature of being by meditation and …show more content…
after his success; he decided to share his knowledge to those who follow him.
Islam originated around 600 AD in the Central Asian Arabian desert and soon spread to East Asia, Central Europe and North Africa.
The religion began to spread rapidly from the Arabian Peninsula in less than 30 years. The Persian and Roman Empires were defeated by the much less equipped and out-numbered Muslim armies. Over the next several centuries, Islam reached far as India in the east, and to Spain in the west. The spread continued through traders to Southeast Asia, where Indonesia, today's largest Muslim country, received the message of Islam through Arab traders. During the peak of Islam's rule, when Europe was in the Dark Ages, the sciences of mathematics, algebra, astronomy, medicine, physics and other disciplines were made and are still in use today based on the principles of the early Muslim scholars. Today, Islam is considered to be the fastest growing religions in the
Buddhism and Islam are also similar in the way they both believe in gods existing in the after death. Muslims believe in the existence of Allah in heaven while Buddhists consider the possibility of gods existing in the heavens but do not say it is a fact. Islam teaches that God created humans with immortal souls. Each individual possesses uniqueness and the power to create his or her own destiny and each is responsible for his or her own action. Buddhists believe that rather than being created by a Supreme Being or god humans were actually born due to karma from past lives. Their karma is made by the karmic connection between their father and mother.
Both these religions have basic beliefs that are different from each other. Buddhists on one hand believe in karma, rebirth, dharma and moksa. Karma is "cause, effect and the law which equilibrates the two". Have you ever heard someone say “What goes around comes around”? Well that is a phrase most people use when they are referring to Karma. It is the result of every action, either good or bad. This action-reaction may take happen anytime, may be in the current life or not. Rebirth is connected with karma. If one did more good things than bad in his life, his karma will lead him to a life of better condition than the previous one. Muslims believe in One Unique, Incomparable God; in the Angels created by Him; in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to man; in the Day of Judgment and individual responsible for actions; in God's complete authority over humans and in life after death. Muslims believe in a chain of prophets starting with Adam and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John the Baptist, and Jesus, peace be upon them. But God's final message to man, a reconfirmation of the eternal message and a summing-up of all that has gone before was shown to the Prophet Muhammad through Gabriel. But the main difference between these religions is that Muslims believe in Allah and Buddhists believe in Buddha. Buddhism also uses idols to represent their God, while Islam does not allow idol worship for all its followers.