This is saying that if you really care deeply about someone you don't expect things from them. You won’t expect them to be perfect, so when they make a mistake you won’t walk out on them because you care and you want them to be happy and you that they aren’t perfect and don’t expect them to be.
“Maybe you just do the best you can, 'cause you can't control what happens in the end.” Buyea, Rob. Because of Mr. Terupt. New York: Delacorte, 2010. Print.
This is saying do your best and don’t worry you don’t have control over the end and you need to contribute all you can and hope that it’s enough. …show more content…
Because of Mr. Terupt. New York: Delacorte, 2010. Print.
This is telling you to be patient and open to change. It’s telling people that answers aren’t always clear and don’t always come quickly or when you want them to. You have to be patient and be open and accept that you can’t control when answers come and be content waiting.
“A villain is just a victim whose story hasn’t been told.” Colfer, Chris, and Brandon Dorman. The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell. New York: Little, Brown, 2012. Print.
This is showing that most [people have a reason or motivation behind their wrong doing whether it be revenge or insecurities. A villain is still a person who hasn’t been able to explain themselves. The victors tell the story and most times the victor doesn’t like the villain and make them seen bead. This wants people to remember that the villains have a story too.
“It doesn't matter how greatly you've been hurt or how much you're hurting, it's what you do with the pain that counts. You could cry for years or you could choose to learn and grow from it.” Colfer, Chris, and Brandon Dorman. The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell. New York: Little, Brown, 2012.