Each step of the life course perspective can be correlated to similar stages theorized by Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development. Throughout an individual’s life from infancy through late adulthood Erikson identified eight stages of development according to their natural schema and social environment. With each stage different psychosocial tasks are encountered and if they are mastered a certain virtue is acquired. Each stage builds upon the one that came before it, although mastery is not required to begin the next stage. Some individuals may not complete all challenges and may have to face them again when they reappear later in life which may possibly create …show more content…
Generativity encompasses “procreation, productivity and creativity and thus the generations of new beings, as well as of new products and new ideas, including a kind of self-generation concerned with further identity development” (Hutchison, 2015, p.320).” The struggle typical of middle adulthood is generativity versus stagnation; whereby failure to contribute to future generations may result in an inward focus of self-absorption; stagnation is not dependent on whether or not an individual has produced offspring. Generativity originates from an individual’s inner drives combined with social and environmental forces. In middle adulthood when the struggle between generativity and stagnation is reconciled by mastering generativity, the virtue of caring is acquired. Normative positive changes occur in personality with the transcendence of personal interests becoming secondary to the nurture of younger and older