Bruce Catton focuses on both the differences and similarities between Civil War Generals in "Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts". He looks at the fact that both Grant and Lee grew up in America. Lee was from Tidewater, Virginia in the South, and Grant from the Western frontier. He noted that both military leaders had different values.…
Both Tom walker and daniel webster had devil type figures in there stories Guarded the treasure of the pirate named kid and the other one was a devil named scratched Jabez stone was just the same as tom walker they both sold there soul to the devil also known as scratch they both hated there life so they decided to change it for the better…
“Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts” by Bruce Catton, explains the what made Grant and Lee this two-iconic people of the Civil War so different but so alike at the same time. Catton goes into details the backgrounds of the two Generals, them believes for why the war is being fought and how their skills as fighters makes them alike. Catton wants to inform the audience, of why these two men have become so iconic in US history. Catton first start by pointing out the difference in the two men. Catton describes Robert E. Lee as a man who fought for the people, and the people fought for him.…
Longstreet fought in the Cvil War under Joseph E Johnston. Joseph E Johnston was wounded during battle so he put Longstreet under Robert E. Lee. During the Seven Day battle Longstreet earned Lee's trust. Lee referred Longstreet to an "old war-house" , a few months after assuming army command. His actions at the Battle of Gettysburg haunted Longstreet after the war. The beginning problems within the army's high command started in Gettysburg. Lee refused to fight defensively in Pennsylvania, but Longstreet disagreed and behaved bitterly at Gettysburg. On July 2nd, his assault virtually destroyed the Union army of the Potomac's III Corps. In the fall of 1863 he transferred to the West and played a defensive role in the Confederate victory in…
“Through leadership, commanders provide purpose, direction, and motivation to subordinate commanders, their staff, and Soldiers.” Unlike General McClellan, General Lee used his position to create an organization, which encouraged individual initiative. Lee handpicked his subordinate’s whom he trusted and who took initiative. Lee and his generals formed a mutually supportive team, where each had absolute trust in the others. They easily interchanged duties and troops among each other. “This team was responsible for survival at Antietam and major Confederate victories both before and after Antietam. Lee shared and discussed his strategy with his generals. He made the final decisions and granted his generals autonomy in carrying them out.”…
In the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries of America, many settlers and colonists were taken captive by the Native Americans, commonly known as Indians. The Native Americans had many reasons and motives for capturing the settlers or colonists. Captives were often taken to be traded, ransomed, or “adopted,” which Native Americans did to replace tribal members who had passed or who had been killed. Two very famous captivity narratives are those of James Smith and Mary Rowlandson, whose stories are very different due to their captors, gender, and religion.…
Discovered by Spanish and French conquistadors in the 17th and 18th centuries and explored by famous pioneer/explorers Lewis and Clark in 1805, Oregon is the 33rd state to be admitted to the United States. Oregon received statehood on February 14, 1859. Lewis and Clark explored Oregon while on their journey to find the Northwest Passage. Lewis and Clark both described Oregon as a “beautiful woodland paradise”, with its diverse wildlife and flora. Oregon is located on the Pacific Coast, above California and below Washington. The location influences the mild winter climate and the rainy but warm weather. Oregon’s state tree is the Douglas Fir tree (Pseudotsuga menziesii), while their state flower is the Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium). Oregon’s…
Not any two characters in the novel have the same motivation for fighting. Robert E. Lee is a well-respected soldier who is nearing the end of his career. He uses the Battle at Gettysburg as one of his motivations to keep his faith. He is a heavily religious man and he lets faith play a huge part in his decisions. Lee’s home state is Virginia and becomes involved in the war when Virginia chose to take part in the war. James Longstreet has endured many hardships. His three children have died from illness the winter before the battle. He hopes for success. A lot of his ideas for how the war can be won are not current with his fellow soldiers. Joshua Chamberlain as the main voice for the Union and a significantly lower rank than the other…
While I have been arguing that Ulysses S. Grant is undeserving of much of the criticism he has received, the man is not without flaws. Three clouds hovered over Grant’s reputation. The occasional bender, his highly trusted yet unscrupulous friends and family, and Order No. 11. Each of these cast a shadow on the man and his legacy, but in each you may find a little light as well.…
Although Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee were born in the same time period Catton showed how they had very different views from one another. To start of with Catton explained how Lee was an "old age" and did not like change. He wanted the old aristocrat concept to stay in the American culture. He was also born into a wealthy family so he believed it was okay for the upper-class to be more privileged and thought inequality among men made society more advanced. In contrast, Grant was born poor and "came up the hard way" as Catton said, because of this Grant believed every man should be equal. He also believed in change and wanted the future of society to be different than how it was at that current time.…
When Catton says that Grant “was everything Lee was not” (310) he means that Grant and Lee were two very different people from the way they were raised to their views of American life. Grant was very tough and courageous, raised from in the western frontier. He was a man who held his head up high, looked towards the future, and was determined to follow through with his ideas of a “new” American life. In contrast, Lee was a Virginia man who believed in old aristocracy. “He was one of a body of men who owed reverence and obeisance to no one, who were self-reliant to a fault, who cared hardly anything for the past but who had a sharp eye for the future” (Catton 310). When Catton said this he was trying to let the reader know that Lee had a more…
It was the late 1600’s and people of strong religion in Salem, Massachusetts were becoming oddly stricken by recent events regarding the practice of witchcraft. Through this period of time twenty people were executed due to mere assumption to have been involved in witchcraft or Devil worship. Living through these events and making accounts of them were two men by the names, Cotton Mather and John Hale. Both Cotton Mather and John Hale, influential Puritan Ministers, were supporters of the Salem Witch Trials which took place for two years between 1692 and 1693 and, had both written two very influential pieces detailing them, Mather's "Wonders of the Invisible World" and, Hale's "A Modest Inquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft". Through similar and contrasting rhetorical style and device the two proved their separate messages of the trials, Mather's being that the…
4b. How do Lee’s words contrast with the image of southerners as depicted in the cartoon from Document 3?…
In 1917, Carrie Chapman Catt addressed the United States Congress regarding women right to vote. She relied on ethos and logos to make her argument rather than emotional appeal. In 1776, Thomas Paine addressed the whole population of the thirteen colonies regarding the independence of the colonies from Britain. He also mainly relied on ethos and pathos to make his argument.…
A: Lee continued to persevere to get her family to freedom safely and was the main reason they made it out alive. Perseverance helped Lee because instead of giving up at the first hardship, she pushed on and helped her family escape from North Korea. L: Perseverance is a necessary trait a survivor must have because it allows them to do anything in their power to get what they want. In Lee’s case survival was escaping a country with her family and not giving up even after her family was…