
Compare And Contrast Macbeth And Banquo

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Compare And Contrast Macbeth And Banquo
Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and Banquo all react differently to the witches' prophecies. In the play, Macbeth was excited about the outcomes, but also very conflicted about it. Macbeth was also hesitant about doing what Lady Macbeth thought had to be done for this prophecy to come true, such as killing Duncan. Macbeth says, "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me
Without my stir" (I,iii 145-146). In his perspective, he believes that if this is bound to come true, then why should he put effort in to encourage this to happen and disturb the prophecy. This reaction says that Macbeth is a very manageable person who tries not to do wrong if it isn't needed. In Lady Macbeth's point of view, she thinks that Macbeth should do whatever he

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