James Madison was elected in 1808, defeating the Federalist Charles C. Pinckney. Madison was unable to restore trade with Britain and on November 10, 1810 the nonintercourse act was reestablished. The pan-Indian resistance movement called for the unification of Indian tribes. The …show more content…
Treaty of Vincennes in 1804 gave most of Indiana to the United States, violating the Treaty of Greenville, further unifying the Indian tribes. Congress declared war against Britain in June of 1812, gaining support from the Southern and Western parts, but angering the New England region.
Madison had a strong vision for offensive attacks in Canada, but they ultimately failed through poor execution. In 1813, Americans had a much stronger showing, defeating the British at Lake Erie and at the Battle of Thames. In 1814, the British attempted a two-stage attack at Louisiana and upstate New York. In August 1814, the British burned Washington D.C. and inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star-Spangled Banner. The Treaty of Ghent was signed in December of 1814 and ended the war. The British attacked on January 8, 1815 and resulted in a key American win and the death of Federalism.
Under James Monroe from 1817-1823, there was the Era of Good Feelings, in which without interference from Federalists, allowed the government to rule in harmony.
Congress chartered a national bank in 1816, after Hamilton’s original design, further securing the nation’s harmony. Chief Justice John Marshall established key principles in state laws. In the case of Fletcher v Peck (1810), the Court overruled a state law, deeming it unconstitutional. The Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817 led to the demilitarization of the Great Lakes. Later that year, the Anglo-American Accords resolved the issues of fishing rights and boundaries with the British. The Transcontinental Treaty of 1819 led to the surrender of Florida to the United States and set a boundary for the Louisiana Purchase. In 1823, Monroe declared that U.S. would not interfere with European states any
The Missouri Compromise in 1820 admitted Missouri as a Slave state and Maine as a free state, as well as prohibiting slavery in the northern part of the Louisiana Purchase. The election in 1824 saw the battle of five candidates seeking to fill Monroe’s shoes. Adam’s would win the election due to help from Henry Clay, who would later be named as Adam’s Secretary of State.