Section II: Political Developments
A) Louisiana Purchase The Louisiana Purchase brought much more than land to the U.S. With the presence of France now gone from the states, we rid ourselves of all European interactions within our home. This gave us a sense of freedom. No more influence meant control over us was no longer an issue. We could be free and make decisions on our own. Along with freedom, the purchase brought us economic opportunities. The vast territory was barren – free to be utilized to American benefit. Being able to explore new land and start a new life was appealing to Americans. Due to the fact that the hunt for land was an issue among all citizen, and knowledge that it was now seemingly unlimited, it sparked a nationalistic mindset. Knowing that opportunities were endless, Americans now had a chance to become independent.
B) Embargo Act
While President Jefferson passed the Embargo Act in 1807 in an attempt to prevent war, it essentially led to the war of 1812 against Britain. The Embargo Act stated that the United States would not engage in any foreign trade world-wide. The intentions of the act were good – by stopping trade with everyone (including Britain and France),