The central nervous system is composed of the spinal cord and the brain. The spinal cord takes messages sent form the neurons and deliver them to the brain. The spinal cord is essentially like a mail man, or a phone to send a text message. The brain is the most important part of the human body and is very similar to a parent telling a child (in the case the neuron) what to do. The brain takes the messages given by the spinal cord from the neurons and figures out what needs to happen. Then the brain sends a message using the spinal cord to the neurons. In the example used before the neuron would send a message asking what the hot sidewalk feels like and what they should do to the spinal cord. Then the spinal cord would then send the message to the brain and the brain would figure out the sidewalk was hot and the neurons should feel hot and move off the
The central nervous system is composed of the spinal cord and the brain. The spinal cord takes messages sent form the neurons and deliver them to the brain. The spinal cord is essentially like a mail man, or a phone to send a text message. The brain is the most important part of the human body and is very similar to a parent telling a child (in the case the neuron) what to do. The brain takes the messages given by the spinal cord from the neurons and figures out what needs to happen. Then the brain sends a message using the spinal cord to the neurons. In the example used before the neuron would send a message asking what the hot sidewalk feels like and what they should do to the spinal cord. Then the spinal cord would then send the message to the brain and the brain would figure out the sidewalk was hot and the neurons should feel hot and move off the