Creon and Oedipus are two very interesting characters. Their personalities, the way they ruled, forgiveness etc. was very unique to certain situations. In this essay I’m going to compare and contrast the two, and then decide whom I thought was the better ruler. Oedipus was seen as a good leader by the townspeople (Scene3.1468-1475). In the story he demonstrates the qualities any good leader possesses. For instance, when Oedipus learned the plague had spread through the town he instantly began trying to solve the problem before the town approached him with their fears. At the town meeting he notified them of his actions and re-assured them. Creon on the other hand, was seen as a poor leader. His ruling qualities are unlikable to say the least. Creon injects fear into his people starting with his first speech as ruler of Thebes. “Whoever refuses to adopt the soundest policies but fearing someone, keeps his lips locked tight, he’s utterly worthless. And whoever places a friend above the good of his own
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country, he is nothing”. Additionally, Creon issues a decree to his subjects that anyone who gives Polynices with a proper burial would face death (Scene1.104). That decree proves Creon’s lack of sympathy for his town’s thoughts and beliefs. As you can see here Oedipus ruled Oedipus and Creon both had different leading styles too. Oedipus was honest, sympathetic, dependable, and determined. Creon on the other hand, as stated above, did not sympathize with his citizens. He ruled with fear and violence instead of Oedipus who ruled with honesty, sympathy, dependability etc. Despite their different ruling styles they did happen to share some similarities. They both ruled with pride, they were both proud of the way they ruled no matter if what they did was good or bad. Sometimes they were even so proud, that they were blind to the flaws in their leading. Oedipus and Creon also had a run in where Creon says “I am told that heavy accusations have been brought against me by king Oedipus” (Scene2.486). Oedipus and Creon both ruled Thebes with stubbornness. When they had an idea set in their brains they would not change it. They both had firm beliefs in their ideas. For instance, Creon sentenced Antigone to death, since she was the person who gave her brother, Polynices, a proper burial. Despite warnings from the townsfolk and Tiresias himself; Creon went through with the death sentence by sealing her in a cave. His stubbornness led to defiance of the gods, which eventually caused his downfall as King of Thebes. Oedipus on the other hand had good intentions. His goal was to save the people of Thebes from the plague by removing the murderer. Oedipus was stubborn though and refused the clues, which revealed where the plague came from. Later in the play Oedipus finally overcomes his stubbornness and accepts the truth that HE was the source of the plague and being the good leader he was remained true to his word and banished himself. As you can see Oedipus and Creon have their differences and similarities, but in my opinion I think Oedipus was clearly the better leader.