In Mosul Petraeus and the 101st used the counterinsurgency training that Petraeus implemented to build security and stability, using justified force when needed he also helped launch 4500 reconstruction projects in Iraq. Petraeus willingness to mentor and train leaders under him is another way that all our past leaders have helped shape our military. Each one adding more knowledge and understanding of the changing situations. Without the education that Petraeus brought to the current conflict that we are in things could have gone a lot different because he had a higher understanding of counterinsurgency and was willing to spend the time to train and implement this understanding to others shows that he truly grasp the bigger pitcher. He is willing to change with the time and ever-changing theater. "he said in 2008 about the war in Iraq. "an Iraq that is at peace with itself, at peace with its neighbors, that has a government that is representative of and responsive to it citizens and is a contributing member of the global community could arguably be called victory" …show more content…
He also holds a master's degree in international security. Mattis enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve in 1969 and was commissioned as a 2nd Lt. Through the ROTC program in 1972. Mattis was and is and intellectual among the upper ranks. "Robert H. Scales a retired U.S Army Major General described him as "one of the most urban and polished man I have known". He has a personal library that at one time included over 7000 volumes and he