In the end, what good are children, anyway? What good do they do for society? All they do is take resources from the parents and from the state. Democrats believe in executing children directly from the mother, by taking them out of the womb and throwing them away. A clean and effective method, of course. I mean, who wants to change diapers, anyway? Republicans agree with this ideal, but go about it in a different way. The Republicans support the NRA, who funnels guns to the children so they can gun eachother down in schools. This method works for when the children are already born. It is a little bit messier, but who can really argue with a solution that essentially solves
In the end, what good are children, anyway? What good do they do for society? All they do is take resources from the parents and from the state. Democrats believe in executing children directly from the mother, by taking them out of the womb and throwing them away. A clean and effective method, of course. I mean, who wants to change diapers, anyway? Republicans agree with this ideal, but go about it in a different way. The Republicans support the NRA, who funnels guns to the children so they can gun eachother down in schools. This method works for when the children are already born. It is a little bit messier, but who can really argue with a solution that essentially solves