The Republican Party views abortion as a crime because they stand for the idea that an unborn child has the individual right to life. The Fourteenth Amendment states that rights are guaranteed to all Americans and the Republican Party believes this equally applies to all unborn children. Republicans want to get rid of abortion as an option entirely. However, they provide an alternative solution for moms who cannot take care of their newborns. Instead of encouraging abortion, they strongly suggest looking into adoption. In addition, the Republican Party wishes to provide these moms with all the aid and resources they may need. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, believes that the decision is entirely up to the woman herself. Democrats believe that any woman should be allowed to get an abortion regardless if they could pay for it or not. Democrats believe abortion is a very personal decision that should be left for the woman to make on her own and the government should not have any right to interfere with the woman’s decision. The Democratic Party wants to reduce the number of abortions even though they believe that that right should not be taken away. Democrats would much rather try to decrease the number of unplanned pregnancies and they plan to do so by implementing programs and classes that exercise the need for protection and carefulness. While they do want to decrease the number of abortions …show more content…
Because the Republican party strictly follows the Constitution, they believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman as stated by the Founding Fathers. Republicans believe that it is also better for a child of a family to be raised by a mom and a dad. Republicans claim that they do not mean this in a hateful way. However, the Marriage Act that was passed in 1996 is still hatefully unreasonable. The Marriage Act keeps same sex couples from being recognized as spouses under the federal government. This kept people in same-sex relationships from being permitted marriage benefits such as insurance, social security, and joint tax returns. The Democratic Party believes that same-sex marriages should be held equal to opposite-sex marriages. Democrats, like Republicans believe that same sex marriage is more of a state issue. However Democrats still wish that same-sex marriages will be legalized in all states eventually. Democrats rightfully acknowledge people in gay relationships as human beings just like people in straight relationships. Democrats believe that people should be allowed to love who they want to love and should be able to raise families regardless of their sexuality. The Democratic Party clearly wants what is best for this country because they want everyone to feel accepted in society and acknowledge that all people are worthy of human