He was a draftsman, painter, filmmaker, and printmaker. Warhol participated in the pop art, video art, and postmodern art movements. He was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Before he began making famous art for extravagant galleries, he was the highest paid successful commercial illustrator in New York. Even so, Warhol is most known because of his screen printed images of Marilyn Monroe and Campbell's soup cans associated with pop art. As a famed illustrator, his drawings were humorous, fancy, and silly, which contrasts with the detached and distanced mood of his pop art. Even though he thrived as a painter, many of his other talents influenced pop art just as much. In 1965, he became focused as a filmmaker and retired from painting. His films were not popular when they were first introduced, but soon gained international interest. He is currently remembered as one of the top filmmakers in history. Many people believe that after Warhol was shot that his career began to die. On the contrary, Andy Warhol developed his other skills and talents such as films, publishing, and painting commissioned portraits. He later passed away on February 22, 1987. To this day, Andy Warhol continues to influence artists around the …show more content…
Both the Drowning Girl and Twenty-Five Colored Marilyns include an image from popular culture. They both contain a woman as the main focus of the composition. Both works were cropped from an original image. The pieces are both reinvented from another image in order to create a new meaning and outlook for the work. The images are different from one another in a variety of ways. One way they are different is in color and vibrancy. While the Twenty-Five Marilyns is vibrant in color, the Drowning Girl is more neutral and cool in color. Also, the Drowning Girl has more of curvy and indirect movement in the overall piece, while the Twenty-Five Marilyns have more of an angular movement in its overall composition. Unlike the Drowning Girl, Twenty-Five Marilyns does not contain any text in the image. However different or alike, both pieces are very important and influential pieces of the pop art