1. Unions usually support: A) conduct-based pay. B) achievement-based pay. C) performance-based pay. D) seniority-based pay. E) merit-based pay. 2. The National Labor Relations Act is also known as the: A) Landrum-Griffin Act. B) Walsh-Healey Act. C) Taft-Hartley Act. D) Davis-Bacon Act. E) Wagner Act. 3. What can supervisors do to stay union-free? A) They can report any direct or indirect signs of union activity to a core management group. B) They can promise employees that they will receive favorable terms of employment if they forgo union activity. C) They can spy on employees known to be engaged in pro-union activities. D) They can impose with harsher terms and conditions of employment. E) They can interrogate employees about pro-union or anti-union sentiments that they have. 4. Which of the following acts was an addition to the Taft-Hartley Act that further regulated unions' actions and their internal affairs like financial disclosure and conduct of elections? A) Bagley-Keene Act B) Taylor Act C) Landrum-Griffin Act D) Chamberlain-Ferris Act E) Keating-Owen Act 5. Which of the following is true of union activities? A) Nonmanufacturing industries such as finance, insurance, and real estate have a higher union representation than manufacturing industries. B) One reason for the smaller union presence in southern states is the existence of right-to-work laws. C) Women and men have equal representation in unions. D) Employee groups and economic sectors with the fastest growth rates tend to have the highest rates of unionization. E) Unions have perfectly adapted themselves to recent changes in the economic structure. 6. Integrative bargaining is the part of the labor-management negotiation process that: A) refers to the relationship and level of trust between the negotiators. B) allows a person with no formal authority to act as a facilitator in the negotiations. C) seeks…
I for the most part concur with the choice and the adjusting of hobbies the NLRB endeavored to fulfill. On one hand, the manager might actually have reports or data that are exclusive and/or in need of security of abuse. Then again the union needs different reports and data to enough speak to the investments of its participation. The opposite of this is, obviously, that administration may get to be excessively defensive of archives and data and the union may misuse its entitlement to demand such data with the end goal of bedeviling administration into an unjustifiable work hone. In this way, importance of the data looked for ought to be the manual for the necessity for generation alongside the preference the arrival of data may cause administration. The choice is likewise amazing for the commence that it requested the gatherings to basically create their own concurrence on adjusting these investments.…
From 1875 to 1900 the United States was experiencing the free enterprise associated with the Gilded Age. This was the day of big business’s and “Captains’ of Industry.” Due to almost no government regulation, corruption was a recurring problem that Labor Unions tried to tackle. Despite good intentions, Labor unions were mostly unsuccessful in improving the position of workers during this time period because of their inability to organize successfully, the power of the employer, and the negative public opinion of labor unions.…
HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FEDERAL & CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT LAW COMPARISON – February, 2013 FEDERAL Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (1990) & ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) (2008) CALIFORNIA Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) DIFFERENCES FEHA is stricter than ADA: applies to employers with 5+ employees and requires “reasonable accommodation” for persons with disabilities (CA disabled is defined as “limited” in one or more of major life activities rather than “substantially limited” as required under ADA) State law takes precedence – differences in age group work, IWC minimum wage, overtime, etc. CA employers with 2 employees or more vs. 20 or more for the Federal; extends coverage to 36 months for those laid off and not eligible for insurance coverage after 18 mos. Expansion of whistleblower (WB) protections under SOX by including the creation of SEC and Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) whistleblower programs. WB can be awarded a share of sanctions that exceed $1MM and retaliation claim actions can go directly to federal district court. State law is almost identical to Federal, but applies only to persons or businesses contracting with CA. CA Appeals Ct. ruled – employers are within rights in refusing to hire an applicant who tests positive to marijuana, despite CA law permitting doctor prescribed medical marijuana. State law also prohibits retaliation for employee who refuses to submit to polygraph test. CA law provides stricter notification and disclosure requirements than federal law when employers are seeking to obtain background information (CC §1786) and credit reports (CC §1785) on job applicants and employees. (AB22 – 1/1/12) prohibits employers, except managers and certain financial and other positions, from getting and getting and using credit reports on job applicants and employees. To protect individuals from ID theft, allows annual free credit reports and other ID protections. Also, all employment records that contain personal…
Answering the Questions The role of unions in today’s workplace is still has the responsibility to ensure the rights of workers, and provide an opportunity for their voices to be heard. Issues that are addressed by labor unions include work assignment, compensation, benefits and working conditions. Unions benefit their members (monopoly power), at the expense of higher cost, and requiring responses to employees grievances “voice power”. As a result of little job creation, debt crises, growing fiscal deficits and difficulties in states and local governments a “new normal” to the role of the labor unions have been created.…
The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), also known as the Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959 has brought about significant changes for U.S. labor unions. It is important to know what led to the creation of the act and how the act changed labor unions entirely. The paper will examine the history of labor crime on one of labor unions largest unions, the Teamsters. The paper will also discuss the creation of the Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959 and will examine the Landrum-Griffin Act in its entirety.…
Thesis: Organized labor union members are being pursued as the scapegoat for our country’s economic turmoil when the real culprits are the greedy union leaders, corporate heads, and Washington incompetence.…
The course provides an overview of workers and unions in American society and introduces you to topics covered in the field of Labor Studies. The course looks at economic, political, and workplace issues facing working people, why and how workers join unions, how unions are structured and function, and how unions and management bargain a contract. The class includes an overview of U.S. labor and working class history, an analysis of the state of U.S. employment laws, and a discussion of the contemporary struggles workers and unions face in a rapidly changing global economy. Finally, the class examines a contemporary labor struggle to explore changing labor-management relations, the U.S. government’s role, and internal struggles within the labor movement.…
In the early days of the labor movement, before the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935 (also called the Wagener Act), there were few laws that addressed the upraise of unions. Employers considered union activity as illegal conspiracies, and at first judges agreed with them (Shmoop Editorial Team, 2008). In 1806, a Massachusetts court ruled that it was illegal for employees to band together to try to get wage increases. The courts based their ruling on the concept that the purpose of a union was coercion.…
The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 and the Railway Labor Act of 1951 basically paved the way for union corruption. Those acts in part, gave unions the right to exclusive representation in all 50 states. That means that once a union could certify that they had a simple majority of support for organizing as a unit, it then would speak for ALL covered workers, whether those workers voted for the union or not. Workers, who became disenfranchised with the union, did not have the right to form another union or invite in a different organization. They were stuck with what they had. As well, the government gave unions the absolute right to exact dues from workers, whether they wanted to pay them or not. Money, power and influence were squarely with the unions and made union treasuries easy pickings for union leaders and…
Unlike the employee frauds, where it is important to look at why and not how. Employer frauds are the completely opposite. The why is simple, because they want to reduce costs thus increase profits. The how is what never ceases to amaze. In 2012, eight people are facing charges for Worker’s Compensation frauds and money laundering by involving in a check cashing scheme. Hugo Rodriguez, the ringleader and the owner of a construction company, went out of his way to create numerous shell companies and funneled more than $70 million in order to avoid paying for the insurance premiums21. In 2013, Jess Contreras, the president and CEO…
What kinds of unethical and illegal kinds of behaviors do high-tech sweatshop companies engage in? What criteria should these companies use to decide if they are treating their overseas employees fairly? How would you characterize the stance on social responsibility of companies that function as body shops? In what ways can developing an ethical approach to managing outsourcing - whether inside the United States or in countries abroad - affect the well-being and performance of both employees and the companies they work for?…
Forced labor is also a form of human trafficking; it is work or service that a person has to do against their will and does not have any beneficiary from. Forced labor is used to create many products to improve things such as the supply chain. Forced labor affects women, men and children and most fall under intensive and industrial work such…
Labour Unions are organizations that are concerned with their members’ interests. The members are employees. Labour Unions act towards employers, so owners of the companies and shareholders. Tasks and performances of Labour Unions: Settlements of collective agreements which are usually only valid for members, but in fact they are also used for unorganized employees Hold negotiations with the employer Organization of wage disputes, for example strikes Advice and support in case there are questions concerning industrial law…
When slavery was abolished in 1833 a number of slaves left the estates and reside…