Compare and contrast the views of Goffman and Foucault on how social oreder is produced.
In a community some form of order is an essential foundation for people to live and interact together. ‘’Order is part of the way people both imagine and practise their social existence.’’ (Silva et al., 2009, p. 311) Taylor (2004, p.58) argued that ‘’ the human capacity to imagine order is at the foundation of society itself.’’ (Taylor, cited in Silva et al., 2009 p.311) Social order draw in imagination, practices, the fitting together of people and things, and ideas about the past and the future. (Silva et al., 2009)There are many explanations of how social order is produced, Erving Goffman (1959, 1971 and 1972) and Michel Foucault (1972, 1977 and 1978) attempted to explain how social order is created and part of their work will be discussed in this essay.
Goffman's theory of social order is that of a theater where the individual will act according to the situation. As an example, he described how a waiter behaves in a restaurant, being polite and respectful in front of the customers but taking another character as he goes to the kitchen away from the clients view and he can act completely different. Sometimes very rude, complaining about the customers. The waiter postures and behaves would change depending of the demands and constraints of the scenario. Goffman concentrated his studies of social order in a micro-level examining ‘’the rituals of trust and tact in everyday lives, which provide the parameters of daily social interactions, trough control of bodily gesture, the face and the gaze, and the use of language.’’ (Silva et al., 2009 p. 317) Goffman involved himself as a participant observer in different social interactions to analyse the roots of human interaction and social order without analyse any link between the individual and social history.
Goffman studied social life based on the idea that people interact in many different ways, sometimes