Ashlie Wilson
EDUC 624
May 24, 2015
Abraham Maslow suggested that for students to have energy for learning, their basic personal needs must be met.(Jones, V., & Jones L. 2013) Maslow described human needs as ordered in a prepotent hierarchy (McLeod, S. 2007).The hierarchy of human needs model was shown that basic human needs started at the lower level, general needs, and proceeded upward to more complex needs, and can only be fulfilled one level at a time. His hierarchy of needs, which includes several different components on each has been divided in a variety of ways. The bottom of the pyramid of the human needs hierarchy is basic needs or physiological needs. These being the basic for us as humans; food, water, sleep. Moving up to the next level is safety and security. This level is important to a person, due to once we have security and safety in having shelter or somewhere safe to be the person will accomplish more, or attempt to become better. The third level on the hierarchy is love and belonging. This is also a physiological need as well. When the person has taken care of themselves physically with food and shelter they are ready to move on to sharing it with someone else. That someone else could be family, friends or a partner. The following level that we have Esteem. This level is where the person needs to feel recognized by what they do and that the level of success and status that is gains. We then move up the hierarchy to cognitive where the person begins to stimulate themselves intellectually and explore the world around them. Aesthetic is the next level and is about being in harmony and order. This level also deals with beauty. As we reach the top of the pyramid we find the need for self actualization. This comes when the person reaches a state of harmony and understanding because they are at their full potential (McLeod, S. 2007). Maslow’s theoretical position is that
References: Barker, K. (1995). The NIV study Bible (10th anniversary ed.). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Glasser, W. (1998) Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom.NY. Harper Collins Gonzalez-Mena, J 22, 2015, from Jones, V., & Jones L McLeod, S. (2007). Maslow 's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved May 23, 2015, from http:// Dreikurs. Retrieved May 21, 2015, from