All of the health care programs in Michigan have an income test and some of the programs also have an asset test. These income and asset tests may vary with each program. For some of the programs, the applicant may have income that is over the income limit and still be able to obtain health care benefits when their medical expenses equal or exceed their deductible (formerly known as spend-down) amount.
Healthy Kids is a Medicaid health care program for low-income children under age 19 and for Pregnant Women of any age. (Healthy Kids for Pregnant Women is discussed under the Pregnant Women heading). There is no monthly premium for Healthy Kids. Most children who are eligible for Healthy Kids are enrolled in a Medicaid health plan. Healthy Kids provides a full package of health care benefits including vision, dental, and mental health services. Printer Friendly Version Printer Friendly Text Only Version Text Version Decrease Text Size Increase Text SizeText Size Share this page.
Health Care Programs Eligibility
Health care coverage is available to individuals and families who meet certain eligibility requirements. The goal of these health care programs is to ensure that essential health care services are made available to those who otherwise do not have the financial resources to purchase them.
It is very important that individuals and families obtain health care coverage. In Michigan, there are many health care programs available to children, adults, and families. Specific coverages may vary depending on the program and the applicant's citizenship status (some non-citizens may be limited to coverage of emergency services only). The Michigan Department of Human Services (MDHS) determines