Background: In June 1972, five men broke into the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. They had cameras and bugging equipment and were arrested with cameras and bugging equipment in hand. Police soon discovered that the burglars worked for the Committee to Re-Elect the President. President Nixon and leaders of his campaign denied any connection with the incident. Among the five men arrested was E. Howard Hunt, Jr., a former Nixon aide, and G. Gordon Liddy, a lawyer for the Committee to Re-elect the President. Shortly afterward, the presiding judge received a letter from one of the convicted men. It spoke of payoffs to the burglars in return for their silence.
In 1973, a Senate select …show more content…
The Pentagon Papers exposed the intentional deception of the American people about Vietnam. The National Guard opened fire at a Kent State University protest following President Nixon's authorization for the United States to attack Cambodia. Four students were killed from Kent State University. Nixon was attempting to cover up the illegal actions of him and his administration.
Key Players: Richard Nixon was the most important key player since the case was against him. Nearly half of the Justices involved in prosecuting Nixon were appointed by him during his term of Presidency. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger was also appointed by Nixon and later wrote the unanimous opinion which stated Nixon must turn over the tapes. James D. St. Clair was Nixon’s counsel. Archibald Cox was a key player in the beginning but Nixon later fired him and the appointed Leon Jaworski as the new special prosecutor in the case. Jaworski then issued the subpoena which ordered Nixon to turn the tapes over. Chief Judge John Sirica of the U.S. District Court for Washington D.C. approved the subpoena. Associate Justice William Rehnquist, a Nixon appointee, recused himself as he had a prior association with the Nixon