At the time of the Watergate scandal. the President of the United States was Richard Milhous Nixon. Nixon was born on January 9th 1913. Nixon was born in a suburban city 37 miles south of downtown Los Angeles, California where his father owned a lemon farm. He was the second …show more content…
The Watergate committee had the power to subpoena they felt had information that was useful about the Watergate scandal. The Senate tried to haul in Nixon's top aids to give useful information, but Nixon unsuccessfully tried to block their appearance. In a Supreme Court case called United States v. Nixon The Watergate committee learned that Nixon had recoding tapes that were voice activated whenever there was someone talking. While the Senate was trying to get the tapes from Nixon he said they couldn't have them due to National Security. When Nixon finally handed over the recording tapes he had more than half of the conversations blacked out so no one could read them. Unfortunately for Nixon the committee sued him at the Supreme Court for the tapes and won. From then on it was clear Richard Nixon President of the United States was part of the Watergate