The process of Nikes shoes conflict with the Catholic Social Teaching. I say this because after researching the brand ‘Nike’ I read a article about Indonesian workers being mistreated heavily, it stated the supervisors would throw shoes at them, slap them in the face a verbally -call them dogs and pigs, which is truly awful behaviour which isn’t acceptable. However, Nike has released a statement saying.. “There was little they could do to stop it” This mistreatment very much conflicts …show more content…
The products are very well manufactured and very good for the prices. Another option may be because they’re unaware of the situation, or because they might just not care, which is appalling.
People don’t buy these products because they care about others, and also have a heart. Another reasoning may be because they were in that position and they certainly wouldn’t like if they were in that position once again, and people who haven’t been in that position wouldn’t like to be. If a human-being likes to see others being hurt, then there is something clearly wrong with that individual.
If Jesus was here today, he would defiantly bring justice to this awful situation we live in today. He would also make sure justice was accounted for as was a man who stood for justice.
The research I used was from a article about mistreatment in factories, I read about Nike and it’s mistreatment and found horrifying information of the treatment of their employees in