In our country textile companies are doing very well business. So many competitors are in this sector. Lots of new companies entered this market. From all of them we choose two cement company for our report. We collect their financial statement & analyze them within three methods & we identify their comparative advantage.
1.1 Origin :This is the report comes from our FIN-245 subject. The course instructor Ms. Tarana Majid orally authorized the task of preparing the report to a group of student. She gave this report to learn the way to analyze the financial statements. To follow the syllabus of our subject so we have to do some relevant study based on our report. That’s why this topic comes forward.
1. 2 Scope :We worked on Ashraf textile mills ltd. & Saiham textile mills ltd for our report.
1.3 Limitat ion:We are very happy because we made our report within some limitations and overcome it almost. For prepare this report we faced some barrier. When we prepared this report all necessary data is not available. For this we assume some of the data to complete the report. On the other hand when we go to collect the financial statement we were unable to found our needed statement books. Finally, one limitation was on shortage of knowledge that was reduced to make this report a better one.
1.4 Sour ce of Data:For our report we collect data for finding & analysis. At first we collected the annual report & take financial statements of two companies’. We also collected some data from the internet.
1.5 Methodol ogy : As a rule, we had to follow a particular method for collecting data to complete the report accurately. At first we make Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow on a excel sheet. Than we analysis the Income Statement & the Balance Sheet using the common sizing & indexing method. Finally we used the eleven financial ratios for our ratio analysis.
2.0 Brief History of